Friday, December 13, 2013

Post 7: House Post

Background An illusionist is hopsitalized during one of his shows. He is a master of tricks and as a result the doctor believes that he is a bad magician. Symptoms The magician went into cardiac arrest during a performance. His body appears to be well after being admitted into the hospital. His body begins to burn when an MRI is about to be conducted. His nose begins to ooze excessively which complicates matters. The antibiotics from a previous diagnosis were rejected. He continues to bleed all over the place. He has a seizure. Tests A drug test is conducted to ensure that the patient isn't addicted to particular substances. An MRI is almost conducted before the patient is burned by the magnets. House tries a blood test with the bad blood, eventually getting sick himself as a sort of Diagnosis The diagnosis at first is assumed to be nothing. Then, a disease from magician rabits were made to believe another diagnosis. Emilodisis is anothe belief that House has concerning the patient, but the others believe that bad blood is the cause of the new symptoms. Doctor House finally discocers that the patient has Lupus Unethical and Ethical Things Breaking into a patients house (which always occurs) is always an unethical approach. Additionally, the way House continues to play with his members is a bad form of treatment. House tested someone without her permission, another breach of ethics.

Friday, November 22, 2013

House Post 4

Background of Patient: The patient is in a wheelchair and already has an incurable diagnosis. He is aware of House's game and doesn't seem to mind the competition. The patient already has catheters and a dog that can provide some difficult environmental factors to deal with. Symptoms: An inability of pooping is an odd sysmptom. SO is trouble swallowing and other problems. Tests: A poop test is conducted to analysis the group. Also, a an analysis of bugs after bites are a good way to analysis the patient instead of stool. Diagonis: Worms were found that caused the initial fainting in the beginning of the episode. Ceraderma is thought to be the cause of ailments, but is not true UNethical/ethical things: Splitting the diagnosis team into two teams and making a game of the patient's health.

Friday, November 1, 2013

House Post: 3

Ethical Violations House is toying around with his staff to try and cure a patient, which is morally gray. House is also being negligent of his patient in the sense that he doesn't check Tort Law Violations There was a mild form of fraud when doctor hosue pretended to be a doctor that he wasn't. Negligence allowed doctor WIlson to make an initial incorrect diagnosis of a different patient was wrong. Invasion of privacy occurs when the ask the patient where his drugs come from. Symptoms The patient is shown to be vomiting blood and coughing excessively. Fever and blood in the stool and urine. New blood clots are causing a spread of symptom. There is more blood fragments caused by sharing needles. The heart illicits an emotional response and is abnormal Factors The patient appears to be in a band of some sort. The rocker is also a drug addict whose drug symptoms copmlicated the disease symptoms The drug addict is exceptionally addicted to medicine and each diagnosis is stopped by his drug abuse. THe man has had drugs in his system for an extended period of time, which although he doesn't really regret, it complicates everything. Tests The first test was a bust considering that the air tank experiment is bad for a drug addict. He overused the air tank. Another test was done involving a nicotine patch which went in a bad direction. They are doing an ultrasound to see what is wrong with the patient. MRA was orignally conducted, but the heart needs to be opened to be analyzed Diagnosis: Diagnosis at first simply points to the man being a drug addict.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

House Post: The Right Stuff

EthicaL Virtues: The doctor House keeps firing applicants without any substance behind his actions. Implusiveness without proper analysis. Invasion of privacy by breaking into the patients eyes. House allows the doctors to use an unauthorized appliance in a certain location. House also allows people to cause a certain illness to determine anything. Patient Symptoms: The Patient seems to have some problem with the eyes. Her vision was altered during a simulation. She apparently began to hear with things with her eyes. The patient begins to have a heart attack. The pulse begins to increase and the patients fever increases. Life/Environment Factors: The patient is a part of the Air Force and is preparing to go into space, hence the simulation. Diagnostic Tests: Simple blood tests are always done for patients. Hyper chamber is used to test the patient. They try and put a sethoscope to try and observe what is found within the body. The process is caused enthroscopy Possible Diagnosis: EkG is the first major diagnosis, caused by the constant flying. Special Vocab
What type of law would a completed advanced directive/living will will be an example of? A completed will is an example of contract law. Who is the agent responsible for your medical decision making? My parents would be responsible for my decision making. What types of questions regarding medical care were you asked to answer? How did this make you feel and why when considering these questions? I was asked questions about what i would want to happen in certain situations, like permanent unconciousness and body donations. I did feel a little weird when answering those questions, since i'm making decisions now for something that shouldn't happen for quite a while. Would a litigation occur if a physician violated this contract? If a physician breached a contract, a litigation would occur since the doctor did not uphold his or her part of the contract. He or she would've done something that was not agreed upon, and the patient would sue.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Post 2: House Post

The episode opens with a young woman being caught in a building collapse. The doctor House is assigned a case after his team disbanded. The doctor begins to write down the symptoms of his patients with only a janitor to aid him. Afterwards, he unethically breaks into the patient's house to see any environmental factor that affect health. , the doctor believed that the patient had a diagnosis, but misdiagnosed the girl. House rediagnosed her but once again couldn't solve the entire problem. The other doctors keep criticizing House for not wanting to hire a team. During all of this, doctor House continued to talk to others in an attempt to solve his problem. After careful thought, it is discovered that the patient was really a different person in which the symptoms matched. After the girl is properly treated, House is forced to find a team for himself.